view">: Good things come to those...

En deze vond ik grappig.

Good things

view">: Never lose hope

Iets wat ik op Facebook tegenkwam, ik vond hem wel mooi

Never lose hope

view">: New menu structure

As you can see I was getting a bit tired of the old menu structure, the menu's were annoying on a mobile device and some became so long that my site re-sized to a height to accommodate the menu while the content ended like 400 pixels higher in some cases. The last thing was of course just me being a prick and wanting to have stuff perfect.

So, while still in place the top menu doesn't expand anymore (except the home button for the and about/contact pages which no-one ever uses), this has become the main navigation menu which only contains links to the different content sections. Each content section got it's own menu on the left side which I build with the Views add on module Views Accordion.

This module doesn't do everything the way I like but at least it comes close. I would like to be able to have two layers of collapsible items, this module only provides one. I might be able to work around that with a view in a view, but I will have to test this on a later date.

Also, I find one thing confusing, you can set the view to open the active row basid on the url AND you can set a default. Opening the active row works like a charm, if you navigate to a blog the correct year/month expands nicely. However, if you navigate to one of the Blog Overview pages which aren't in the menu, ergo, it cannot open an active row, than it doesn't open the default row. I have set the default row to be Row 1, in the preview this is January. In the live site it suddenly is October 2013 ??? I really have no clue why this is or why this works badly. I will dig in to this also at a later date, now it is time to go to sleep.

An alternative solution is using the JQuery Menu module for Drupal. I have tested this and it works nicely after some restyling. The only drawback I find is the menu sorting used by Drupal. This keeps forcing me to assign weights to each item and making sure they are displayed in the correct sequence and in general gives a few minutes of extra work with each item I add to this site. I have been looking for a module that allows menu sorting by publishing date or some other criteria, the only thing I found was taxonomy terms which is not really useful for a site like this one. I might switch to this module anyway later on because this will allow me to have the menu's collapse by year as well as by month which might actually be very nice in a few years from now. I just hope I can find some way to sort menu's easier so my content is always newest on top.

I do like the way Views Accordion switches from one item to an other though, it's a very nicely done animation, haven't tested this with the JQuery Menu yet.

view">: Rate

Yesterday I implemented the Rate module in Drupal 7 on this website. It is now possible to give a thumbs up or down for my blog, drawings and photo galleries. I have my doubts if people actually will use it, but hey, because we can we implement it Wink

This module will give a percentage of how many people liked or disliked something, when no one has voted yet it will default be 50% like and 50% dislike. If one person likes something it will be 100%/0%, two likes and one dislike will result in 66%/33%, etc... For the photo galleries the voting will be for the whole gallery and not the individual pictures, for drawings and sketches you will vote for the individual drawing or sketch.

view">: Hartverwarmend

Soms bewijzen mensen dat ze best wel voor elkaar klaarstaan.
Gisteren had een van mijn buren haar deur achter zich dichtgetrokken en geen sleutels bij zich. Eerst heeft haar overbuurvrouw haar geprobeerd te helpen.
Daarna is ze zelf naar mij toe gekomen en ben ik gaan helpen, al heel snel stond er ook een andere buurvrouw advies te geven en te helpen. Daarna, toen het niet lukte, zijn we met z'n allen gaan nadenken over een oplossing (en warm gaan worden) bij mij thuis.
Uiteindelijk heb ik een vriend gebeld die een klussen bedrijf heeft en hier niet zo ver vandaan woont. Deze man is door de sneeuw en de gladheid hierheen gekomen. Hij had de deur gelukkig na 10 minuten al open (wij waren toen totaal al iets van 3 uur bezig, waarvan ik zelf 2 uur). En deze man wou hier niets voor hebben behalve een biertje. Het zelfde gold voor de rest van de betrokkenen.
Dus daarna hebben we er een gezellige avond bij mij van gemaakt met de nodige wodka en een biertje voor de reddende engel (die moest nog terugrijden).

Ik vind het hart verwarmend dat buren die verder bijna nooit contact hebben opeens massaal elkaar stonden te helpen en het heel gezellig hadden. En ik hoop dat iedereen ter wereld hier een voorbeeld aan neemt en ook zijn of haar buren gewoon helpt als het nodig is.