
view">: Changes

Een quote die ik tegenkwam en wel mooi vond:


All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy;

for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves;

we must die to one life before we can enter another.


Nog eentje, gek genoeg nota bene door Steve Jobs, niet gedacht dat ik die man ooit zou quoten behalve om Apple belachelijk te maken:


Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.



view">: Hunter X Hunter outro

Nog een Hunter X Hunter outro, van episode 71, want na wat zoeken en ergeren aan een open einde bleken er nog 30 episodes te zijn, deze zijn alleen nooit op TV geweest dus was het wat lastiger om ze te vinden. Anyways, de outro:


Since our promised time has passed by
There's no sign of an apology
Even as time passed by, people...
never seem to be changed by the light
One day the forgotten memories just suddenly...
burst out like popcorn.
You don't have to cry.
Even thoug it's been a while since we met.
I'll never be able to...
ever again forget about you...
because you were always there,
providing me with so much courage.

view">: Feestje

Als ik dan toch mijn pa zijn verjaardag moet missen omdat ik ziek ben dan moet ik deze binnenkort maar eens waar maken gok ik Wink


view">: Hunter X Hunter intro & outro

Intro van episode 62 (de laatste) van Hunter X Hunter (anime serie uit 1999, niet te verwarren met de remake uit 2007)


This sun is shining even at night, dreaming
And then you who was hurrying
Burned it into your eyes and it never came back
This song that continues without end
Goes beyond even our thoughts
I've left open the depths of my heart
So they can be reflected in your eyes


En de bijbehorende outro:


Just like that, on the road, the simple words
Begin to melt into one, staining you
This sun is shining even at night, leading the way
In the town where visison are dancing
The bells of farewell are ringing

Birds walk the earth
The sea flows in the sky
By the side of a saddened soul
I nodded in agreement
This sun is shining even at night, dreaming
And the you who was hurrying
Burned it into your eyes and it never came back

This song that continues without end
Goes beyond even our thoughts
I've left open the depths of my heart
So they can be reflected in your eyes

Without anyu reason for hurrying
The past fades away
You see, the things worth praising
Are all right here

This song that continues without end
Goes beyong even our thoughts
I've left open the depths of my heart
So they can be reflected in your eyes

In this limitless blue night
My heart is already left empty
You see, in this limitless outpouring of light
My heart is already left empty

view">: Make the ordinary come alive

Ik vond het een mooie ook al heb ik zelf geen kinderen.


Make the ordinary come alive