view"> This morning and part of the afternoon some idiots have been trying to hack my website. However, what did happen was that they didn't just bashed my site, nope, they bashed it so fast and obviously that the load on the shared hosting servers climbed to 8. Of course these morons didn't try to be subtle so soon enough alarms were triggered with the hosting company who in turn just restarted apache and mysql and banned the ips of the idiots trying to bash my site. So, people, first of all, don't try brute force, it's the attack of the monkeys, of the script kiddo's who don't know how to do a proper hack. And, it's not only lame, it's also hurtful for everyone hosting on the IP of the site you are attacking because it is a mild form of DoS. So, if you want to use brute force, do it slowly without triggering a high load on the server, you will be less noticed. Unfortunately for most people, you probably will be noticed by me because I log all login attempts with invalid ID's or passwords. If I had the resources I would setup a sandbox for you people to practice in... But then again, the people bashing my site probably aren't interested in the fine art of hacking and security, they are interested in creating a spam platform on this website, or use it to infect people with viruses. And that is something I can't allow. So sorry mister spammer, your attempts have been logged and your providers (yes both of them) have been notified, so probably you will loose at least two of your zombies from which to try something like this again. Happy new year for everyone who is not a spammer! |
view"> "Where can I find a heart without a single scar?" the wind asks me as it blows smoothly past my ear. I don't happen to have a decent answer handy, just that each of us has one life which we should live to the fullest. The shadow that struck me down was just a little too blue, and I heard it tell me to paint the same summers's light a different way. Let your drive to move forward grow strong on this path you've chosen, so that one day we can make each other shine again. I want you to come to me without clouds, so don't hate the rain. I want you to speak to me without using lies, because that just makes me feel lonely. Your body exists so that it may carry the love hidden deep inside it, forever and ever ever since the day you were born. You and me and everyone, absolutely everyone, are wandering, lost because we can't put it into words, moving forward so that one day our feelings will cross the gap. |
view"> Een nieuw persoon uit Bleach, Riruka. Ik heb zelf weinig op of aanmerkingen maar vind hem gewoon aardig gelukt. |
![]() |
view"> Weer een Bleach intro:
I think of all the things I wish I could tell you |
view"> De laatste tijd schets ik veel en maak minder echte tekeningen. Dit schetsen is vooral om dingen uit te proberen en een beetje beter onder de knie te krijgen. Omdat sommige mensen mijn schetsen ook de moeite waard vonden heb ik nu een gallery gemaakt op deze site waarik de betere schetsen in heb gezet. Deze schetsen zijn probeersels of mislukt tekeningen dus doe me een lol en ga geen kritiek leveren op de fouten die er in zitten, ik weet dat ze er in zitten, daarom zijn ze nooit voorbij het schets stadium gekomen Onderbouwende kritiek met tips erbij is wel welkom natuurlijk. In ieder geval is hier een overzicht van mijn schetsen te vinden, klik op een schets om de tekst erbij te zien en/of een comment achter te laten. |
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